vendredi 11 juillet 2008

Pisces 6

Pisces is the third of the water elements and its elemental quality is cold and very wet. Its qualities are cold and wet in the Northern latitudes while hot and dry in the Southern. It is feminine whose similitude is of the nocturnal sect.Jupiter (Zeus) is the domicile ruler and the exaltation of Venus at 27°. It is the detriment of Mercury at 15° and it's fall. The ruler of its triplicity by day is Venus followed by Mars. By night it's ruler is Mars followed by Venus. The co-ruler by day and night is the Moon.
"Those so born are inconstant, of two minds, those who change from bad to good, erotic, servile, licentious, prolific, popular."- - Vettius Valens: The Anthology Book I
Pisces is probably the most difficult of the signs to explain. To best understand this last sign of the Zodiac, let us examine another quote from Valens,
"Pisces is . . . of twin form . . . opposed to itself because of being both in the South and in the North."
Valens reminds us here that Pisces, because of its duality, exhibits within itself both the cold and wet of the north and the hot and dry of the south. I wonder if perhaps the psychologist and philosopher Carl Jung doesn't put us on the right track in understanding what this means when he compares Pisces, the Fishes, as the fish of spirit and the fish of matter. The cold and wet qualities are those of the nocturnal sect whose nocturnal ruler is the Moon. Thus according to Aristotelian principles it is matter. The Hot and Dry is the principle of the Sun; Spirit.This last sign then seems to be founded on its relation to what has been called "Nature's hunger for new forms". Pisces is like the ever-changing Proteus who seeks to elude the pursuer by changing into all sorts of shapes. Naturally, the sign has kinship with things that are shapeless, change shape, or adopt their shape from something else.Pisces moves us into a realm of believing the unseen, faith, sacrifice, devotion, and compassion. It opposes itself because its elemental nature of emotion and feeling finds itself in conflict with the elemental ego nature, the will of the Sun. The moistness of the sign bonds things together it wants to unify and so the separating qualities fight against this. So, Pisceans can often be confused by their own feelings with a deep sense of insecurity and of feeling "lost". It is an inherent need for the Pisces to sacrifice self in order to achieve peace of soul.Because of this "inner" conflict, Pisceans tend to get themselves involved in conflicts that they are not directly responsible for. They often are caught in the crossfire. It is also, why they can swing from total despair to the heights of hopefulness.The dominant urge is to escape from the limitations of ordinary life, the dull and humdrum, into a more colourful world. The results can vary from the drug addict and alcoholic, the daydreamer and then upwards to the artist, the scientist and the mystic. It is not uncommon to hear Pisces labelled as "ineffective". I personally feel, as the world now is, we could do with more of their easy good nature and kindly tolerance.

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