samedi 12 juillet 2008

Aries 11

Aries is the first of the fire elements and its elemental quality is hot and dry. Its' qualities in the seasonal North are hot and wet while cold and dry in the Southern. It is masculin whose similitude is of the diurnal sect.Aries is the diurnal domicile of Mars (Ares) and the Sun is exalted at 19°. It is the detriment of Venus at 25° and Saturns fall at 21°. The ruler of its triplicity by day is the Sun followed by Jupiter. By night it's ruler is Jupiter followed by the Sun. The co-ruler by day and night is Saturn.
"Aries is . . . . authoritative, fiery, free, ascending, semi-vocal, good, changeable, administrative, public, civic, unprolific, servile, Midheaven of the Cosmos, and cause of repute. . . ."

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